Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Minutes, Meeting September 2, 2015 5:00 p.m.

                                         125 Bremer Street


Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Lisa Guglielmina at 5:10 p.m. Members present: Betty, Elizabeth, Larry H., Lisa, Shellie, Tania, Herk, Bonnie, Briana, Scott, Serena, & Kathy.   

Approve Minutes of August 5, 2015 – MSC Cato/Emmons, B. to approve the minutes of the September 2, 2015 meeting, as presented.


                       Officer Reports:

A.     President-(Lisa) Lisa reported on the Officer Elections during the August 5, 2015 Support Services meeting.

B.     Treasurer-(Marjie) Lisa reported on Bingo that it was not turning much of a profit.

C.      Logistics-(Shellie) Shellie reported on the two fires the Fire Department had in August, what Support Services fixed for the Firefighter meals, & how much food we had available. She also went shopping & replenished the food in the freezer & cupboards, & suggested cooking two meals at once so as to have that available for the firefighters during fires and/ or Dinner night. There was a discussion on preparing ready-to-go lunches for the firefighters that could be left on the fire trucks in the event of a fire, as well as having two large ice chests full of Gatorade & water in the Engine Bay-- ice could be added at a moment’s notice.


Action Items:

A.     Sponsorship Solicitation (Elizabeth)-Larry H. reported a tentative date needs to be set to finish up the rest of the Solicitation Walk Around; The date is Saturday, October 17, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. til ?? The date has been set on a Saturday with hopes that those who work could have the opportunity to participate.

B.      Fire Prevention Week (Scott)-Scott reported Fire Prevention Week is tentatively Monday-Wednesday, October 5-7, 2015. WVFD will provide the Safe House, Sparky, & the Engines on those days for K-3rd grades. The upper grades will have an assembly on Friday, October 9, 2015. The Safe House needs to be cleaned, which Betty volunteered to do on Friday, October 2, 2015. Filling the kiddie bags for Fire Prevention Week will be Friday, 10/2/15 from 12-4 p.m.

C.     Harvest Festival Booth-(Lisa) Lisa reported The Harvest Festival Chairperson has asked the WVFD if we would like to have a booth at the festival this year--The booth is at no cost to the Fire Department. It was decided Yes, & a Support Services table was discussed being set up, the Support Services board, along with flyers to pass out. Scott, Tania, Lisa, & Betty have volunteered to help out with the booth. Our booth with be at the Festival on Saturday, 10/3/15 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


        Committee Reports:

A. EMS (Serena) - Larry reported the battery checks were done & batteries replaced. The AED is not working, & 2151 needs an AED. There was a discussion on Larry H., Bonnie, & Serena going through the medical bags on the engines together once a month.

B.  Station Maintenance (Tania) - Tania reported on checking the list & putting items back where they belong.

C. Equipment Maintenance (Herk) - Herk reported one item was fixed on the water tender,     the pressure washer works, & 2131 needs shocks.

D. Web Technology (Mike) – Lisa reported that Mike is keeping up on the website, and Facebook.     

E.  Fundraiser (Larry H) - Larry H. & Elizabeth reported that they choose not to do the Fundraiser Committee any longer—It was offered up to anyone interested in taking over the Committee, including Bingo; No interest shown.  So it was decided by Support Services, to drop the Fundraiser Committee.  10 yea, 0 noes, 5 absent--Also, Scott mentioned that Support Services was not created to do fundraisers.

F.  Marketing (Betty) – Betty reported she has been putting up the Bingo flyers around town as usual, and was passing them out at the Senior Apartments, as well as the Golden Age Center.

Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting: (Scott)- The Board approved for the Fire Department to buy a new Engine; There was a Power Point on it after dinner. There is a Leadership course in Sacramento for the weekend of 10/10-10/11/15 covering the topics of Recruitment & Retention-- Larry H. & Elizabeth are going. (Lisa) Lisa & Serena will finish the Calendar. (Scott) 10/7/15 Dinner Meeting will be at Scott & Tania’s house. Dinner will be hot dogs - please bring a side dish. (Lisa) The 10/7/15 Support Services Meeting will be held at the Fire Hall at 5:00 p.m. as usual.


Adjourn:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m.